At a time when even the physical world of art has undergone a forced slowdown, beauty and creative flair still manage to reach our homes, in an immersive journey towards museums, galleries and cultural institutions that narrate, through interactive audiovisual content, their personal way of constructing a story aimed at surprising us curious spectators, in front of a world of infinite languages, made usable by the powerful weapon of hyperconnection. It’s a virtual journey that crosses the Italian Peninsula and Europe, overcoming space-time and linguistic and cultural barriers, to discover masterpieces of big and small names that have made the universal artistic panorama famous.
From official sites, to social channels, to the presence of industry personalities and distinguished guests, museums and galleries invite us to discover new points of view and educational background on the realities that distinguish their identity, without forgetting special sessions of virtual visits, to discover collections hosted “in the dark” in this particular transition period. It gives us a curious and innovative look that investigates art in all its facets, for an unusual encounter with beauty that’s just a click away.
Here is our selection of the best initiatives, for a fascinating tour of art and culture, both in Italy and internationally.
- Triennale di Milano, Decameron: streaming stories
- Pinacoteca di Brera, Brera Stories e Brera Media
- Museum of the twentieth century
- Hangar Bicocca: #ArtToThePeople
- Fondazione Prada: #Innerviews
- Mudec: “MudecDelivery”
- MAXXI: ” Free to go out with your thoughts “
- Peggy Guggenheim Collection
- Uffizi: Uffizi Decameron, collezioni on line, Fabbriche di Storie, IperVisioni
- MAMbo – Museum of Modern Art: “2 Minuti di MAMbo”
- Louvre
- Centre Pompidou: podcast French/English “Les Visites du Centre Pompidou”
- The British Museum
- Museo Nacional del Prado
- Arte Fiera: “In the Gallery”
- Ministry of Cultural Heritage
- Google Arts & Culture