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Federica Maria

Federica Maria

Milanese by birth, born in '94. Graduated in communication, Maria divides her time between Milan and Verona, where she studies editing and journalism. She loves traveling, but Milan is one of the few places where she feels truly at home. Passionate about makeup, photography, tea and Japanese culture, she can't go anywhere without a good book to read. Attentive to details, she loves going on long walks and discovering new places, especially those with a bit of greenery.

Articles written by this editor

  • Non perderti il meglio

  • Bombarded daily by information of all kinds, transmitted by an ever-increasing number of communication tools, we sometimes look for a simplification, a reliable source, a guide. Flawless Milano was born from this need, and tells the best experiences to have in Milan with style, precision and personality.

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