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  • Ristorante da Giacomo
    Via Pasquale Sottocorno ang. via Cellini 6, Milano

    When you want to eat fish, with well executed recipes and a touch of unmistakable Milanese charme, the answer can’t be other than Ristorante da Giacomo. This restaurant is...

  • Giacomo Bistrot
    Via Pasquale Sottocorno 6, Milano

    A unique place in Milan for its décor and atmosphere is without doubt Giacomo Bistrot, whose name is quite known in town thanks to the little gastronomic district of...

  • Giacomo Rosticceria
    Via Pasquale Sottocorno 9, Milano

    Three words to describe Giacomo: theatrical, energetic, passionate. Giacomo Bulleri is an over 90-year-old of Tuscan origin, has moved to Milan many years ago and still has a crazy energy...

  • Giacomo Caffè
    Piazza Duomo 12, Milano

    Milan is the Italian capital of fashion and there’s no doubt about it. But sometimes we mistakenly believe that shopping is the only thing to do in Milan, forgetting...

Bombarded daily by information of all kinds, transmitted by an ever-increasing number of communication tools, we sometimes look for a simplification, a reliable source, a guide. Flawless Milano was born from this need, and tells the best experiences to have in Milan with style, precision and personality.

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