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  • Albergo Diurno Venezia
    Piazza Guglielmo Oberdan, Milano

    We’ve all found some hidden jewels in Milan – corners, courtyards, and palaces, strange or hidden. But few could imagine that Milan hides treasures under the ground. When you...

  • Toasteria Italiana
    Piazza Argentina 1, Milano

    Traditions originate from tiny repeated gestures, from rituals that begin randomly and that, equally by chance, quickly become indispensable. R. and I started our own personal tradition to celebrate...

Bombarded daily by information of all kinds, transmitted by an ever-increasing number of communication tools, we sometimes look for a simplification, a reliable source, a guide. Flawless Milano was born from this need, and tells the best experiences to have in Milan with style, precision and personality.

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