It’s midnight, you’ve lost your shoe (or your mind), and you’re running away hoping to be followed by a Knight in Shining Armor. Has this ever happened to you? Yeah me neither, reality bites and instead of midnight it’s usually around 2am, no white horse in sight and don’t even get me started on the carriage. But there on the horizon shines a ray of hope… “See, I knew he was coming!” A taxi stops for you. At this point it’s clearly time to go home, the escapade is over.
But to tell you the truth… we’re not really the drama types anyway. Let’s rewind and let ourselves dream a little! So, in this dream, this perfect adventure – the one where excited and breathless Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome comes to our rescue and sweeps us off our feet amid little hearts and rose petals – we would be dressed in Luisa Beccaria. In mine, I just want to point out that I’d want the blue organza dress with little sparkles. When I saw it in the shop it outshone everything else in the room and took a place of honor in my heart, even more so in my dreams, with its structured gown and amazing texture.
Think about it though, would today’s Cinderella prefer the handsome prince to this beauty? It’s 2015 guys, and I’m sorry to break it to you but – partners, hubbies and whatever other relationship I can think of: times have changed! We grew up loving Sleeping Beauty’s clothes not falling head over heels for Ken! Today, if Cinderella gets fed up, she goes and finds herself another party! Adios Amigos! …Are you sure you want to miss out? On the other hand, if stars like Uma Thurman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Renèe Zelleweger, Halle Barry and the list goes on, have already chosen the Milanese brand in many occasions, this dream can’t be that crazy after all!
The brand, in the heart of Brera district, is already situated in the perfect spot to enhance the marvel hidden inside. Its building, with double entrance on Via Formentini and Via dei Fiori Chiari, has been studied to create a sensory experience between the two main areas, seperated by a splendid internal courtyard. Contemporary romanticism, my dear ladies, the Beccaria woman is yes romantic and a dreamer but also decisive, determined and strong at the same time. She’d never let anyone put her in a corner dressed like a hag! You’ll not only find gown and wedding dresses but also suits, blouses and sweaters, because let’s just say it as it is, we’re tired of dressing for work like we’ve just fallen out of bed. High fashion dearies! This is a place worth putting on your agenda and it’s right on your doorstep! There’s gotta be a reason you can find it in the best shops around the world, right?
Let yourself go and try on something bold. Crazy? Maybe. But it’s worth it!