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  • La Briciola
    Via Marsala 1, Milano

    The story begins about forty years ago in via Solferino 25 Via Marsala. Located in Brera, the artistic heart of the city, it is framed in times past and...

  • Daniel Ristorante
    Via San Marco angolo via Castelfidardo, Milano

    We walk into Daniel Ristorante with no expectations. Located in the heart of Brera, and shielded behind two doors of dark tinted glass there are few clues on the outside...

  • Mandarin Oriental, Milan
    Via Andegari, 9

    Explorers, leaders, emperors: the charm of the East has always greatly attracted the western world. The prestigious group of five-star luxury hotels, Mandarin Oriental, has decided to revive this...

  • Così fa Antonino Esposito
    Via Solferino 27, Milano

    When you search for “pizza” on Google, you get about a million and a half results, featuring stories and tales that try to retrace the food’s history. The one...

  • forte forte
    Via Ponte Vetero 1, Milano

    I recently experienced more proof of the close link between art and fashion: a union that almost ends up becoming an identity. I was walking in Via Ponte Vetero, in the...

  • ottod’Ame
    Via Solferino 1, Milano

    ottod’Ame‘s Made in Italy is pure and plays with silks, wools, cottons, lace and leather mixed and revisited with care and creativity. Let’s start with the rather evocative name...

  • Fishbar de Milan – Brera
    Via Montebello 7, Milano

    Up to the ’30s you could find the small lake of San Marco while walking in the heart of Brera. An artificial basin used by the Milanese as a small trade port just...

  • Misoya
    Via Solferino 41, Milano

    When it’s Saturday, you’re with friends and you’re looking for an informal but not obvious place, which is different from the usual sushi, Misoya, in Brera, could be the perfect place...

  • La Casa Iberica
    Via Mercato 3, Milano

    Downtown Milan: an intense afternoon spent between meetings, calls and handshakes; still many things to do and several e-mails to answer to… but it’s just seven o’clock and there...

  • Via Emilia – Bottega Gastronomica
    Via della Moscova 27, Milano

    A rainy afternoon and a walk in Via Moscova. A great shop window captures our gaze: ladies, gentlemen and young people of all ages learn to work the dough with large...

  • L’Orto di Brera
    Via S. Carpoforo 6, Milano

    Walking through the alleys of Brera, you can meet a special greengrocer who, thanks to the quality and the particularity of its products, has been able to enchant many...

  • Rigadritto
    Via Brera 6, Milano

    The year was 2006, in Brera’s historic centre, what we could define as one of this city’s most original stationery shops took life: Rigadritto. This name, which in Italian...

Bombarded daily by information of all kinds, transmitted by an ever-increasing number of communication tools, we sometimes look for a simplification, a reliable source, a guide. Flawless Milano was born from this need, and tells the best experiences to have in Milan with style, precision and personality.

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