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  • L’Orto di Brera
    Via S. Carpoforo 6, Milano

    Walking through the alleys of Brera, you can meet a special greengrocer who, thanks to the quality and the particularity of its products, has been able to enchant many...

  • That’s Vapore
    Corso di Porta Vittoria 5, Milano

    It’s a fact that our lunch breaks are getting shorter and shorter. If you leave the office now, you barely have time for a sandwich. But if you are...

  • V3Raw
    Via Spallanzani angolo viale Regina Giovanna, Milano

    2017 has really only just begun and though I swore to myself I would be better behaved this year – less takeout, less meat, less booze – temptation is...

  • Macha Café
    Viale Francesco Crispi 15, Milano

    January is one of those months where we try make good on all of our new year’s resolutions: the holidays are a (alas) a distant memory and you try...

  • Capra e Cavoli
    Via Pastrengo 18

    How beautiful is entering a place that awakens certain memories of home and tranquility. For me, Capra e Cavoli was undoubtedly one of these places. It’s an enchanted Spring...

  • Joia – Alta Cucina Naturale
    Via Panfilo Castaldi 18, Milano

    Let’s start with the name. Joia (Joy). That in itself already makes you happy! And when you’re talking about vegetarian, the guru of this philosophy in Italy related to...

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