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In Milan since 1955

You known, the best and freshest fish is eaten in Milan. If you do not agree, it’s because you’ve never been to eat it in the right places. As at A’Riccione, where the tradition of Romagna’s riviera explodes on the palate with the freshness of the raw material and modern combinations. A place worth traveling Milan. Their spaghetti are really unique and if the restaurant is nearby, you have no excuse for not being a regular weekly customer.

A' Riccione - Milano

A’Riccione is awarded with the Bottega Storica of the city of Milano medal and will surprise you but it is not born as a seafood restaurant. Historically the kitchen prepared meat dishes with Mrs. Lucia cooking lasagna, tortellini and Romagna’s specialties for lunch. But when fish arrived from the Adriatic coast it was so appreciated that Vecchia Riccione turned into A’Riccione, devoting itself exclusively to fish cuisine.

A' Riccione - Milano

In the three rooms, the furniture is very different: touches of 50 years mixed with modernity, frescoed walls and mirrors. The most historical part reminds me of the setting of the film “same sea beach”, elegant yet familiar at the same time. To mention the DOP extra virgin olive oil. It seems like a wine: the bouquet is light, aromatic and neutral, it doesn’t cover any taste, it simply exalts it to the maximum.

A' Riccione - Milano

The menu is articulated. There are the evergreen (which are there historically, not the error to avoid them) that deserve the train ticket as the big or mini plateau royal (raw or cooked), oysters (also as a tasting) and the cruditè … but the tartare? Cleverly cut, assembled, seasoned and presented. And yet the mixed carpaccio, the soup, the sea urchins (if in season) and the classic sautè.

A' Riccione - Milano

But wait for the first courses … fresh tagliolini, linguine, ravioli, risotto and strozzapreti, all delicious but the spaghetti with garlic, oil, chilli, mussels and clams are unforgettable. Perfect! The simple things are the most difficult to make memorable,you have to try them! For the second courses let you advise about the catch of the day, opting perhaps for a fish broth, a Catalan lobster, a grilled fish or the Nuvola, a must: a large plate of fried fish, an Italian-style tempura. There is also a menu for non-fish lovers, they exist, do you realize?

A' Riccione - Milano

A’Riccione is the seafood restaurant that tells the story of who know how to choose, appreciate and cook the typical Adriatic riviera fish, you will never regret having known it.

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