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Basara Milano – Via Tortona

From breakfast to dinner to enjoy an authentic Japanese experience

I’m going to talk enthusiastically about real life with you. We invest a lot of our time in writing. To not genuinely believe in what we write would mean investing our most precious resource in something that doesn’t really exist. I couldn’t. You’re going to find reviews on this place, I will tell you what a friend would say if you asked him the classic question on where the perfect restaurant would be. Sushi, Karate, Wasabi, Banzai, Kamikaze, katana, Moshi Moshi, you could say I know a little Japanese and not just at the table. Basara Milano – Sushi Pasticceria was born Flawless.

It’s impeccable from the morning when, with the luxury of taking it easy, it wakes you up with a well balanced breakfast. At lunch when it politely accepts your rush in contrast to its relaxed atmosphere, helping you to forget the rough morning. At dinner taking care of you in an intense but discrete atmosphere. Friendly staff. Knowing the history of the locale could be a great way to enter in synchrony with the ambiance: the first one opened five years ago in via Tortona 12Hiro and Danilo the owners: Hiro is an absolute sushi genius, Danilo was businessman in logistics and in the beginning felt a little uneasy around tables and dinnerware.

Basara Sushi Pasticceria

My first apparition was with Kuni (a Japanese friend from Tokyo) who asked the chef to experiment with something special for him, Japanese raised between the United States and Europe, with a passion for balanced reinterpretation between Asian culinary art and the West. Knowing my diner I knew that he would have opted for the Omakase menu, out of the “a la carte” menu.The name indicates total freedom given to the chef to create a menu completely tailored on the clients’ needs. This is the perfect choice for the most demanding palates and those looking for an unconventional dining experience. If you’d like this option, alert the restaurant in advance with a phone call. You will not regret it, Kuni was enthusiastic!

Today Hiro is busy on the Venetian front for the opening of the locale in piazza San Marco. He has trained his substitutes well and they work only with primary ingredients of the highest quality keeping up with the expectations of a spoiled Milan. (#tip) Ask if Hiro is there. If he’s not, ask when he will be back. Try his cuisine, but leave him to it. Give him the chance to WOW you. You’ll thank us.

Basara Sushi Pasticceria

I prefer, for intimacy, the place in via TortonaCorso Italia began as a Take Away, but today it is a full on restaurant. But my preference could be due to simple affection. Some of my favorite dishes are Salmon Tataki, Tuna caprese, the Uramaki with sea urchin. (#tip) For a hot date the Salmon Tataki is smoked, the smoke and salmon are closed in a glass with a cover which is opened in front of your guest to make a real impact: it works. I suggest you try the Cremant. Biodynamic, French bubbly. J’Adore. I know, Biodynamic is trendy but I drink it because it tastes good. But even if it wasn’t universally good, I would drink it because I like it.

In the kitchen a Japanese lady prepares traditionally cooked dishes, really good. (#tip) The Japanese make the breaded cutlet too. When it is time for dessert you should try the bean cake. If there are two of you I suggest you don’t miss the Green Tea tiramisu, I think you’ll appreciate it more. If it was a song, Basara would be Catch&Release by Matt Simons (Depend Remix).

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