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  • Giacomo Rosticceria
    Via Pasquale Sottocorno 9, Milano

    Three words to describe Giacomo: theatrical, energetic, passionate. Giacomo Bulleri is an over 90-year-old of Tuscan origin, has moved to Milan many years ago and still has a crazy energy...

  • The best restaurants with a garden in Milan

    Per leggere l’articolo in italiano, cliccare qui. The summer season is coming to Milan, and it’s amazing… until nature brings heat to a maximum. And before you know it you are...

  • Café Trussardi
    Piazza della Scala 5, Milano

    Fashion is one of those things that become part of each Milanese, either born and bred or adoptive. And when one falls in love with a stylist, one would...

  • Al Garghet

    Whenever you go there during the holiday period with its Christmas decorations, the fireplace and the piano background, or during the...

    TrattoriasChiara Buzzi3 August 2016
  • Antica Osteria La Rampina
    Via Emilia 3, San Giuliano Milanese

    “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Said Virginia Woolf. It is a sacred truth. And if eating well takes place in...

  • 4cento
    Via Campazzino 14, Milano

    I place the 4cento among the “odi et amo” (love it or hate it) hangouts of my life. A place I began hanging out in about fifteen years ago...

  • The Edible Garden
    Via Mozart 9, Milano

    As a little girl, I probably read and re-read too many books about stories set in the English countryside that told about little hungry bunnies that ate juicy lettuce...

  • Innocenti Evasioni
    Via Privata della Bindellina, Milano

    There are three things particularly difficult to do in Milan: book a nice restaurant with a garden, book a good, traditional italian restaurant, find a girlfriend. Well, Flawless Milan has...

  • Al Fresco
    Via Savona 50, Milano

    Al Fresco is located in Via Savona and, as the sign says it is “a place where people and cuisine meet”. Created by the two owners, Ferdinando Ferdinandi – in...

  • Antica Osteria Magenes
    Via Cavour 7, Barate di Gaggiano

    Would you like to escape from Milan’s tentacles, without having to drive for miles and miles? Well, you’ve just found the very place for you: Antica Osteria Magenes. If...

  • Erba Brusca
    Alzaia Naviglio Pavese 286, Milano

    You don’t just happen to go the the Erba Brusca. It is a restaurant with a vegetable garden at the end of Naviglio Pavese, down towards the suburbs that most don’t really...

  • The Secret Garden
    Via San Marco, Milano

    Saturday morning the city, sleepy and more quiet than usual, allows us – walking around in the calmer streets – to keep our heads in the clouds, to walk...

Bombarded daily by information of all kinds, transmitted by an ever-increasing number of communication tools, we sometimes look for a simplification, a reliable source, a guide. Flawless Milano was born from this need, and tells the best experiences to have in Milan with style, precision and personality.

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