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  • Officina Milano
    Via Giovenale, 7

    This article was translated with Google Translator. Inside a courtyard at number 7 of via Giovenale, in a corner of secret Milan a few steps from the waters of...

  • Armani/Ristorante
    Via Manzoni 31, Milano

    Suddenly, a flood of light flashes and surrounds you, making you feel closer than ever to the Milanese sky. Even on the greyest of days, at this restaurant, the light...

  • Tripstillery
    Piazza Alvar Aalto

    A unique Milanese address, a real experimental cocktail bar that brings to the city a concept never seen before. Tripstillery is the novelty signed Flavio Angiolillo & Co. ready...

  • Eppol Pie
    Via Lecco, 4

    Set at number 4 of the eclectic Via Lecco, Eppol Pie is the new chapter signed by older brother Eppol, a sparkling cocktail bar immersed in the vivacity of...

  • Al Mercante
    Via Cesare Cantù, 7

    To read this article in Italian, click here.  When we talk about the history and tradition of Milan we cannot fail to mention the restaurant Al Mercante. The activity...

  • Assunta Madre
    Via Vittor Pisani, 2

    This article was translated with Google translator Set in Piazza della Repubblica, in Via Vittor Pisani 2, Assunta Madre brings to the table all the flavor of the best...

  • DAAD Dantone
    Via Santo Spirito, 24/A

    In one of the quietest streets of the Montenapoleone district, the internationally acclaimed playground for luxury fashion seekers, you can find a hidden gem called DAAD Dantone. This luxury...

  • Acne Studios
    Piazza del Carmine, 6

    Right on the left of the most beautiful place of Brera, Piazza del Carmine, you will find the Flagship store of ACNE Studios. This is actually the only boutique...

  • La Ménagère
    Via Dè Ginori 8/R, Firenze

    Not far from the Basilica of San Lorenzo, among the splendid palaces of Via de’ Ginori, large windows show La Ménagère, a concept restaurant that, in its 1500 square meters,...

Bombarded daily by information of all kinds, transmitted by an ever-increasing number of communication tools, we sometimes look for a simplification, a reliable source, a guide. Flawless Milano was born from this need, and tells the best experiences to have in Milan with style, precision and personality.

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