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Agriturismo Brusignone

A relaxing escape to the green Brianza

You’re in the heart of Brianza, inside the Valle Lambro Park, in the Montesiro area. Or rather you are in the Agriturismo Brusignone, in the location of the same name. If geography is not your strong point and you can’t understand your position, close your eyes and travel with the mind. Turn right, then left, take the first exit and then the third, until you get to one of those country roads, narrow and bumpy. But do not worry about the pace. Are you not running away from chaos, from the frenetic and stressful routine? Exactly, so relax and enjoy the ride. Travel a short distance and once you’re in the woods, bushy and dense, that surrounds and calms your latest tensions, a field of twelve hectares of land will open in front of your eyes.

Green and blooming meadows, an orchard, then a vegetable garden, overflowing with fruits and vegetables of every kind and species. And then, cows, horses, ponies, pigs and donkeys to graze free. And if you look better, you will also see some goats jumping here and there. Look again and you’ll see the fields cultivated with cereals, besides the little paths lost in the woods around you. Then put an old farmhouse in the middle of it, dating back to the early nineteenth century, local flavour, basically a typical Lombard farmhouse. Split it into two buildings and put a restaurant in of them which is also divided into many small rooms, one with a fireplace, one with a vaulted ceiling, another with the stove and so on. Be guided by Lombardy’s culture and traditions and imagine peasant life scenes.

Agriturismo Brusignone

Now switch to the other building, where a stable with barn is in full swing. A large courtyard, to separate the farmhouse, where geese, chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl and ducks happily flutter while small rabbits nibble undisturbed. If you look hard enough, there is also an old well … And if it was a wishing well? You immediately throw a coin in and hope in magic. And poof, you find yourself along secret and narrow corridors, steep and sometimes inaccessible stairs for a 12 cm heel, but finally you get to sit at the table you had wisely reserved in advance. Warm colours, scents of hay, fire and wood surround you and you anticipate the flavours of a typical menu from this area, with homemade dishes with so much love and above all made with farm products.

From homemade pasta, with knife-cut farm ragù or seasonal vegetables, risotto, cold cuts, cheeses, mustards, jams, from honey to the meat of their backyard, in combination with vegetables and tubers strictly km zero. And then the desserts, you remember Grandma Duck’s cakes? There you go, precisely those. Simply good, absolutely homemade. And if you like moka coffee, here you find one made as the old recipe wants.

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